Dream Journal: Hot & layered

I have strange dreams. Dreams that range from a zombie apocalypse to rides in funky spaceships (disco themed). All nightmares. I assumed everyone experienced nightly nightmares, but I found out it is actually a symptom of anxiety in adults (the joy). Anyways, some of them are actually entertaining to the conscious mind.

For example last night I had a sex dream. Before you get all hot and bothered let me explain what exactly happened. As I was about to straddle my lover I realized I was incredibly warm. I looked down and I had on like ten layers of clothes, including a winter coat.

Every time I tried to remove a layer another would appear like a magician pulling scarves out of his sleeve, except nothing like that.

Get it? It’s from the show The Magicians. I admit this metaphor is doing too much.


My lover tried in vain to undress me both to our sweaty demise. Did I mention in this dream we were also in a loft so due to my proximity to the ceiling I couldn’t sit up all the way? This created a stressful claustrophobic experience on its own. Leading to more sweat. In one last attempt, I struggled with a parka only to roll off the loft and be jolted awake.

Sexy? Psh, in my dreams.


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