Vision book: This is what I do with my spare time

I’ve always been a big fan of visions boards where you cut all of your vulnerabilities, your hopes, your dreams out of magazines and paste them on to a poster. I think it’s therapeutic but it may be a waste of resources.

Sidenote: I once ate Elmer’s Glue on a dare but when I picked up the bottle my thumb covered the “non” in the word “non-toxic” and I nearly passed out from the fear of dying/becoming a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

So I thought what better place to do that then a freaking community for women supporting each other. So support me, bitches (and my male bitches too because penises are always welcome as long as they’re not dicks).

Basically, this is what I envision for Girls Aren’t Funny in the future. Almost a Chicken Soup for the Soul meets Vagina Monologues. It’s already killing it on the bestseller list [in my head] (I may be insane or incredibly crafty).

Book reviews coming out the gate:

“Girls Aren’t Funny has been breaking glass ceilings with their bare hands and it is a messy business! The publishing industry, not the blood. Why are we talking about blood when we should be talking about this book!” – The feminist next door

“Get back in the kitchen.” – President Trump

“Without Girls Aren’t Funny I’d still be involved in cockfighting.” -The local priest

This book is like a new friend you don’t feel comfortable asking for money yet. But you will. – Your mom

Stay humble.

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