Touchdown Jesus has nothing on us when it comes to weird things you find in your grandma’s house

Can you procrastinate when you don’t have anything to be truly responsible for? Well, either way I procrastinated today so instead of a full post I bless you with my very own awkward family photo.

That’s me in the bottom left at age 13. You can tell my age by the posture that says, “I have no self-esteem but I think the lace on this shirt makes me sexy”.

The photographer’s choice of sepia was the cherry on top to this masterpiece.

Of course none of us kids knew the collage we were signing ourselves up for. We were just told to look to the heavens. No one knew we were to be modge-podged into forced sibling adoration.

My parents paid for this. With real money.

Now I share it with you. You’re welcome.

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