Haircuts and sexism

Today I got my hair cut from a heterosexual, white, male hair dresser. He had ex-girlfriends and worked at a Game Stop and wore graphic tees.

I shamefully assumed he’d say something sexist and I’d have to laugh it off strapped to the chair with scissors in his hand. I waited for the onslaught.

I was surprised when he called my hair cute and that my new hairstyle looked beautiful that it wasn’t cringeworthy.

It’s a hard thing to describe when you can tell the difference between a creep and someone who’s just saying something nice.

In the wake of all the sexual assault scandals being brought to light I keep hearing the same old, “Does that mean I can’t be nice to women anymore?”.

As if it’s that confusing to tell the difference between, “Nice haircut, Susan!” and “Nice tits, Susan!”. Susan may have a nice haircut and nice tits but only one is allowed to be said in an office/walking down the street/at a bar/everyfuckingwhere.

Also, it makes me angry that autocorrect won’t let me type titties without changing it to kitties, ditties, or tithes. I only know what one of those words mean.

When I googled titties just to double check on the spelling because autocorrect has now lowered my confidence in my ability to spell, a subreddit for titties appeared with the catchy tag line:

/r/titties is a place for beautiful titties of all shapes and sizes 🙂 Post great titties for all to enjoy, or better yet, post your own titties!

Well that’s awfully nice of them. I enjoy how they’re asking people who have photos of women in their life (with breasts I assume) to just casually share them with the world. Or better yet, ladies I know you’ve been wondering who to share your classy nudes with. I’ve found the place for you.

Anyway back to the hairdresser. I just want to know if anyone else knows what the hell I’m talking about. There are guys that treat women like they’re individual people because they have had many individual women in their life. He talks to women for his job. Hundreds of women go through his salon chair with their own story.

Compared to the guy who went to an all boys high school and had one girlfriend and watched a lot of porn so he thinks he knows women but he calls you a bitch when you don’t agree with him.

He’s single now if anyone’s looking for a guy who worships his mustang (the car, not the horse) and has a profile picture of him and a woman who works at Hooter’s.

Maybe you’ve met your own version of this guy. Several times. Every day.

There’s technically nothing wrong with this guy. He’s nice to his mom and I’m sure will eventually become a decent person.

Honestly he just hasn’t talked to many women. Not in a sad, “pees in water bottles because he doesn’t want to leave his video game” kinda way.

Maybe I’m just speaking out of my ass*. I’m no sociologist but out of personal experience the more real conversations guys have with women, the more they see them as people. Let me know if you think I’m wrong**.

*I’m not but that would be an amazing skill to have. If you do have this ability please audition for America’s Got Talent immediately.

**Actually don’t because I hate confrontation and would rather watch you try to speak out of your literal ass.

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