Cats, wolves, cows, oh my!

My brilliant and highly amusing aunt, Deirdre Whyte, submitted this tiny story of hilarity that I will now share with all of you. If you do not find it relatable, it may be because you don’t live in the countryside of Dublin, Ireland and that’s okay. She doesn’t want to live there either. 

This evening on the way home, I’m all bright and breezy strolling down the road toward my parked car. Walking past a gas station, a white van pulls out behind me and I hear ‘mooooooooooo’.

So used to catcalls and wolf whistles through my life I roll my eyes and think ‘that’s original’.

Ten seconds later I realize there’s a trailer on the back of the van – full of cows.

Oh, how I laughed. So much I had to stop in the middle of the street doubled up. Ah, you had to be there.

If you have your own story, light anecdote or personal essay, submit them to Then we can all laugh at you/with you. It’s cheaper than therapy/wine. 


Funny Girl

What if we just played Kanye’s Graduation instead of the actual graduation song?

Yesterday I went hiking with Nick and our friend, Marisa (with one ‘S’) and it nearly killed us. It was seven miles roundtrip and we left in the afternoon while the sun was high and dangerous. Every single step of the way I wanted to give up. Put a pin in that.

*erratic segue*

I am filled with fear and excitement. I want to simultaneously throw up and eat a lot of cake at the same time. I am freaking out with all of the possibilities before me. It has finally hit me that me deciding to forgo getting a job directly after graduation to travel the world doesn’t have to end here.

Well, okay yes my savings were running out so it technically needed to end, but the metaphor didn’t need to end.

I’m only 22 so I recognize that I’m in the fairy tale head-space of “the world is my oyster” and an “a dream is a wish your heart makes” so I don’t need an angry 39-year-old to run in and crush me right now with cynicism. I get it. I’m young and naive but I want to take hold of this power and see where it takes me.

Many of my friends graduated college in May and we’re all trying to figure out what our next steps are.

A high percentage of my friends graduated as nurses (I think ahead) and are more than happy to take care of our sick and injured. Others graduated with the question of, should I go to graduate school, was this theater degree as bad of an idea as my parents said it would be, should I never have trusted my 18-year-old self with deciding to pay all this money for a degree I may never use?

It’s scary and usually expensive business (without any actual business because we’re all unemployed).

Luckily I still feel pretty good about my degree in journalism and mass communication, and my certificate in creative writing only makes me that much spicier.

Every day I wake up with newfound optimism or crippling anxiety that makes me want to cry and throw childhood stuffed animals at a TV playing The Office because it only reminds me that I do not have an office to go to, nor any crazy but lovable co-workers to call my own.

I don’t even have access to childhood stuffed animals because I’m not even staying with my own parents. So I’m not even doing the “living at home in my parent’s basement” thing right. Where is my basement? Are you my mother? Did anyone read that book as a child? Can someone relate to me and stop my annoying rhetorical questions?

are you my mother.jpg

I’ve been spending a lot of time in Barnes and Nobles applying for jobs and reading all of the books in the “Fresh graduates” section as well as one cookbook to read recipes about chocolate chip cookies when I feel sad and/or hungry.

Where was I going? Oh yes, feeling optimistic about my future. At least in this brief moment.

So anyway, Nick, Marisa and I were braving nature yesterday and as we were walking back down the trail I recognized two things:

  1. Horse poop is a good marker for finding your way back
  2. We’ve already gone through this shit, literally

All this to say, every one of us, no matter how young or old has most likely gone through some shit. Whether it was literal horse shit or crappy life experiences, but we can keep pushing on. At the end of the trail there will be a car that can drive you to Sonic and there you will be rewarded with a sweet, sweet Cherry Limeade served by a teenager in roller blades. Another metaphor for success.

If you’re still following what I’m saying, we can do this.

We can do this.

We can do this.

“Awkward family moment” she says

I’m just going to get right to it. Nick bought bulk condoms. Well, he bought condoms in bulk. They weren’t bulky.

He thought,”Hey, we’re a couple who is sexually involved with each other and I don’t want to impregnate/possibly give you diseases I may or may not have but those sex ed videos scared me about everything so I’ll just buy a lot of condoms at once to save money like buying toilet paper in bulk.” Except the thought was more erotic. I hope.

Maybe he is just so practical that our sex lives are decided on a budget. We are still searching for jobs so I wouldn’t put it past him.

Anyways, you’re probably wondering why am I sharing this very personal and practical decision with you dear people? Because apparently, it is not just between us anymore so I might as well let you in on a terribly embarrassing moment so maybe one of you will have words of wisdom or sympathy.

We’re staying with Nick’s parents right now to get our shit together after our big adventure in Europe. So Nick sent the condoms here. To his parent’s house. Do you see where this is going?

The package arrived in a giant box for some odd reason. For some other odd reason, the package was addressed to his mom and arrived on her birthday. Are you cringing with me?

As we were preparing for her birthday dinner, just chopping away, she put the box on the counter.

Nick said, “Hey, I’m waiting for a package, that might be mine”.

“It’s addressed to me though.”

“Oh okay.”

Oh okay? This was the response ringing in my ears as the packet of bulk condoms were pulled out and put on the counter. Like a shit ton of condoms.

“Were you waiting for condoms?”

“Yes,” I squeaked like a teenager caught with weed. Or condoms, I guess.

“Awkward family moment!” she said.

I should’ve left it at that, but then I said,

“I mean, do we at least get points for being safe?”

Because that’s what I wanted to do, continue the conversation. Let’s just extend it into a full Health class lecture. In my panic, I lost all ability to maintain normalness and I could only think of condoms being rolled onto bananas by strangely calm teachers.

This led to the three other thoughts:

  1. Do teachers throw out the bananas afterward or do they end up as an ingredient in their mother’s famous banana bread recipe?
  2. Does the banana bread taste like dick?
  3. I want banana bread
  4. Not because it may or may not taste like dick

Since this moment I’ve been coming up a list of better responses to the situation:

  1. “Oh don’t worry those condoms aren’t for sex, we’re hosting a water balloon fight later”
  2. “Nicholas! You’re cheating on me? You know I refuse to have sex before marriage.”
  3. “Those aren’t for us, we’re actually donating those to Planned Parenthood because I’m a good person who supports women’s reproductive rights.”
  4. Run away, simply run away

Now every time we go into the guest bedroom together I am distinctly aware of how she may be thinking we’re having sex when we’re not even having sex. I need non-sex noises to play while we’re in there. There’s no way we could be having sex if there’s just a soundtrack of dolphin and whale noises.

But hey, if it does it for you, don’t let me get in the way!

Ok, I’m gonna go now and eat birthday cake. Because this happened on her birthday. Her freaking birthday. So sorry, so very sorry.

Update: The full haircut story

So I realized after I posted about the nice guy who cut my hair, I realized I was so distracted by the fact that he wasn’t a creep that I almost forgot all the other stuff that happened.

I decided to update the post because after I talked to Nick I realized it was a pretty unusual experience.

When I walked into the salon it was basically empty. The secretary said, “Tom, will cut your hair today” (let’s call him Tom (even though I won’t refer to him by name after this) because pseudonyms are mysterious and mystery is sexy). He walked over and introduced himself. The first thing I noticed were the Satanic stars on his elbows and his shaky hands.

I thought, this could either be a very good haircut or a very bad haircut. You can decide for yourself.

Before I’d arrived I chose a photo to work off of and showed it to him. He said, “Oh I’ll use the razor on you!” and I thought, “He sounds eager”.

I was only asking for an inch or two off but I think he had something entirely else in mind. So while he’s chopping away at my hair with a straight edge razor (like James Bond but less sexy), he’s explaining (mansplaining, cough, cough) how water pollution works, why native Hawaiians are dumb to have chosen to live at the bottom of a volcano and how Californians’ air is filled with snobbery as if snobbery is an element on the periodic table.

All light and occasionally racist small talk. I just sat there and stared at the blade in his hand as he progressively got angrier at the topics he chose.

Then I heard, “Oh god!” from the back of my head. I thought I lost a chunk of myself but luckily it was his finger. He cut himself open on the razor blade.

“Happens all the time!” he said as he ran to the bathroom.

The secretary had left for lunch and I sat there alone twiddling my thumbs with elevator music in the background and constant groaning coming from the bathroom.

He reappeared a few minutes later with his finger wrapped in toilet paper taped with a bandaid.

“Everything’s fine! Happens all the time.”

I don’t think he realized it didn’t make me feel better that this was a constant for him.

Whether he needed stitches or not, he pressed on.

“Let me get a new blade out for you,” he said as we both thought, “Because the other one is covered in blood and now I’m thinking about AIDS unnecessarily.”

His hands were shaking even worse now and the toilet paper was making his finger quite immobile. “Got it!” he said triumphantly as it slipped free, flew into the air and landed on the ground.

We both looked at it. Then looked at each other. “Third times the charm!”.

He got back to my hair and continued chopping. Chatting away about how you could live in Chernobyl if you really wanted to. I won’t knock him for interesting opinions that’s for sure.

He reached around me for the comb but found his hand had gotten stuck in my hair. The thick finger had caught and all he could do was pull my head with him.

I bobbed back and forth in front of the mirror and made eye contact with myself, “Well at least he’s not stroking my hair and calling me precious.” I’m an optimist like that.

Once he detangled himself with some nice product I was free to go. Literally. My hair was completely lopsided. The front right side was the original length when I walked through the door and the top layers (when did I ask for layers?) was maybe three inches long.

“Asymmetry is in these days,” he said.

I nodded and paid him and then went home delighted that he didn’t sexually harass me that I wrote a post about it and completely neglected to include any of this stuff which just shows how low my standard is for dealing with strange men and my standard for run on sentences.

Haircuts and sexism

Today I got my hair cut from a heterosexual, white, male hair dresser. He had ex-girlfriends and worked at a Game Stop and wore graphic tees.

I shamefully assumed he’d say something sexist and I’d have to laugh it off strapped to the chair with scissors in his hand. I waited for the onslaught.

I was surprised when he called my hair cute and that my new hairstyle looked beautiful that it wasn’t cringeworthy.

It’s a hard thing to describe when you can tell the difference between a creep and someone who’s just saying something nice.

In the wake of all the sexual assault scandals being brought to light I keep hearing the same old, “Does that mean I can’t be nice to women anymore?”.

As if it’s that confusing to tell the difference between, “Nice haircut, Susan!” and “Nice tits, Susan!”. Susan may have a nice haircut and nice tits but only one is allowed to be said in an office/walking down the street/at a bar/everyfuckingwhere.

Also, it makes me angry that autocorrect won’t let me type titties without changing it to kitties, ditties, or tithes. I only know what one of those words mean.

When I googled titties just to double check on the spelling because autocorrect has now lowered my confidence in my ability to spell, a subreddit for titties appeared with the catchy tag line:

/r/titties is a place for beautiful titties of all shapes and sizes 🙂 Post great titties for all to enjoy, or better yet, post your own titties!

Well that’s awfully nice of them. I enjoy how they’re asking people who have photos of women in their life (with breasts I assume) to just casually share them with the world. Or better yet, ladies I know you’ve been wondering who to share your classy nudes with. I’ve found the place for you.

Anyway back to the hairdresser. I just want to know if anyone else knows what the hell I’m talking about. There are guys that treat women like they’re individual people because they have had many individual women in their life. He talks to women for his job. Hundreds of women go through his salon chair with their own story.

Compared to the guy who went to an all boys high school and had one girlfriend and watched a lot of porn so he thinks he knows women but he calls you a bitch when you don’t agree with him.

He’s single now if anyone’s looking for a guy who worships his mustang (the car, not the horse) and has a profile picture of him and a woman who works at Hooter’s.

Maybe you’ve met your own version of this guy. Several times. Every day.

There’s technically nothing wrong with this guy. He’s nice to his mom and I’m sure will eventually become a decent person.

Honestly he just hasn’t talked to many women. Not in a sad, “pees in water bottles because he doesn’t want to leave his video game” kinda way.

Maybe I’m just speaking out of my ass*. I’m no sociologist but out of personal experience the more real conversations guys have with women, the more they see them as people. Let me know if you think I’m wrong**.

*I’m not but that would be an amazing skill to have. If you do have this ability please audition for America’s Got Talent immediately.

**Actually don’t because I hate confrontation and would rather watch you try to speak out of your literal ass.

Sorry not sorry

I’ve been feeling guilty lately because I promised myself I’d always post daily but that was a hefty goal so instead of posting I just swirled in a toilet of guilt. Is that visual enough? A toilet of guilt.

Nick and I’s amazing European adventure extravaganza has come to an end. We arrived in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday night. We’re staying with Nick’s parents while we figure out our lives. It’s just as terrifying as it sounds.

Arizona. In the summer. With no concrete plans.

On the plane home a guy in front of us had snuck a bottle of vodka onboard and almost finished it off before it was confiscated. He was so drunk he tried to get off the plane while we were still in the air.

Luckily he was so drunk he did a nose dive into a row of four people so he never actually made it to the door.

It felt like he was the physical representation of what I was feeling.

I’m trying to find my new normal. I feel like I’m in an indie film where the main character wanders around with indie theme music in the background while she feels indie and judges normal people doing normal things because she’s too damn indie for you. Except I’m way more judgmental.

I signed up for various gym classes. That’s a lie. I signed up for a free trial that I plan to cancel. I thought going to the gym would get me out of the house.

This morning when I couldn’t sleep due to jet lag I drove to the gym class I signed up for. It was a class based on pretending to surf. I’m not shitting you. They have surf boards glued to the floor and you paddle on them.

No one was there. I stood outside disappointed because I wasn’t going to get to pretend to surf. Then I went to the grocery store and bought smoothie supplies. I’m trying to be healthy or something.

I walked around and the store’s music was similar to elevator music and the old woman at the self check out yelled at me about not having a loyalty card. Everything felt surreal.

I feel like a dickhead. But I’m working on it.

It’s hard being funny when you just want to punch old ladies who work at grocery stores. It’s not her fault.

It’s hard being funny but I decided it’s better to post than to not post. This website is to prove woman are real, well rounded humans with flaws and all kinds of other shit.

So here I am. Naked and afraid*.

*Great show btw

If anyone else is out there feeling lost or confused about next steps for the love of god reach out to me*. I’m not too much of a dickhead to think I’m the only one who feels this way.

*Also if you have a job opportunity feel free to reach out to this witty writer. I heard she makes great smoothies.

Please remind me

Remind me to read more female literature. Novels with strong female protagonists. Essays about feminism. Biographies about strong women.

But also remind me to watch movies where the women are nothing but caricatures. Not real breathing people. Remind me to watch films where the women are only girlfriends, bodies, sex. Remind me this is how we are seen.

Remind me to notice the prudes and the sluts. Compare them side by side. Notice what makes them different. Remind me I am both a prude and a slut.

Remind me to expand my vocabulary. To look up words in the dictionary. Remind me to buy a dictionary. Remind me to use the right words. The right phrasing and knowledge and language that will allow me to participate in the conversation.

The conversation about my gender. The conversation about the experience of being a woman. Remind me I have something to say.

But also remind me that other women have something to say. Women who aren’t given the time or space to say. What they need to say. Remind me to hear them. Remind me I am them and I am not them. At the same time.

Remind me not to feel trapped in my body. Remind me that I am not my body. I am more than my body. Remind me to respect my body.

Remind me I do not need to be likable. Remind me I do not need to smile more. Remind me that I don’t want you to sit next to me, or I don’t want your drink. Remind me to be honest. Not mean. Sometimes mean. Remind me to be a bitch. A cunt. A twat. A tease.

Remind me that I don’t have to hate men. Remind me of my jealousy. Remind me of my envy. The envy to make mistakes I can’t make. Remind me I am the brother of the prodigal son.

Remind me that my rage is understandable. Remind me that I’m not crazy. Remind me that it is 2018. Remind me again. It is 2018.

Remind me that I am not an imposter. That I do not need a degree in women’s studies. Remind me that all I need is myself. And her. And him. And them. And us.

Remind me we can be better. Together.

Please remind me.

Touchdown Jesus has nothing on us when it comes to weird things you find in your grandma’s house

Can you procrastinate when you don’t have anything to be truly responsible for? Well, either way I procrastinated today so instead of a full post I bless you with my very own awkward family photo.

That’s me in the bottom left at age 13. You can tell my age by the posture that says, “I have no self-esteem but I think the lace on this shirt makes me sexy”.

The photographer’s choice of sepia was the cherry on top to this masterpiece.

Of course none of us kids knew the collage we were signing ourselves up for. We were just told to look to the heavens. No one knew we were to be modge-podged into forced sibling adoration.

My parents paid for this. With real money.

Now I share it with you. You’re welcome.

Talking to kids about medical terminology & movie penises (not at the same time)

I needed a featured image for this post and when I searched “beautiful kidneys” no stock photos would appear. So I made my sister take a selfie with me. She’s too cool for me in her leather jacket and I just want her to love me. Also, the title of this post is going to rock my SEO game and possibly lead to an arrest. 

When talking to children about their sickness symptoms always use extensive metaphors and personification.

For example, my sister’s kidneys were hurting. Usually, this would be cause for alarm. Possibly a kidney infection, etc.

Me: Your kidneys are just mad at you

Abigail: What are they mad at me for?

Me: You don’t pay them enough. They’re on strike.

Abigail: How do I pay them?

Me: Well, they’re just threatening you with the possibility of a strike. Really they’re just grumbling about their unfair pay. Eventually, they’ll get a raise but with a raise comes a higher workload. That’s just life.

Abigail: …

Me: To be honest I got lost in the middle of the metaphor. Drink some water. If that doesn’t work I’ll give you one of my own kidneys.

And this is why I didn’t become a doctor. It’s all about the lack of English composition skills.

And no I didn’t take her to the doctors because I believe in 19th-century medicine and covered her in leeches.

And no you can’t take her out of my custody because she wasn’t even mine in the first place so jokes on you Child Protective Services.

And yes you should ignore everything I said because we both realized she was just experiencing period cramps. Being a woman is new to her, she only hit puberty this year.

I think it may be against some kind of sister code to talk about her period on the internet.

I feel giddy with this much power. Everyone should talk about their sister’s period.

Sidenote (like total sidenote, like this is barely related to anything and you should probably turn around now): Today I realized I want to one day write a movie just so I can film one specific scene.

You know how in most* comedies there’s a scene where a guy’s penis is revealed. I’m hesitant to Google this for you because honestly, I’m scared of what will pop up on my screen in this busy coffee shop.

*I use the word ‘most’ loosely. Maybe not the majority of comedies result in a mail/male package being delivered.

Oh jesus, I typed in “comedies where a guy whips out his ween” into the search bar and this photo showed up.

These kids and their parents look way too eager. I hope it’s their parents.

Anyways that took a strange turn. I simply wanted to say that instead of Seth Rogen walking around in a way-too-small robe with his penis flying around for a few laughs, all I want out of life is to write a scene where a woman walks around with her cat hanging out with just a full bush. Is that too much to ask for?

I am amazed I could so easily find a picture of Seth Rogen in a kimono.

I asked my sister and she said it was way too much to ask for. Also to close my robe when I walk around her bedroom.

Oh, sisters.



A digital native in the wild

I’m currently sitting in the airport waiting for my delayed flight to no longer delay. While I wait I’m scrolling through the LinkedIn app searching for jobs.

That. Is. Amazing.

I swear this is not an ad but I feel it is incredible that I can click “easy apply” and my resume will be sent to the company.

I usually spend hours on one job application at a time. Now I can see a job and say “yeah that looks like a good fit” and click a freaking button.

I can feel old people roll in their soon-to-be-graves. Like, their freshly dug graves are just ready to be rolled in. These old people had to walk up a hill both ways to go to school and all I had to do was click a button!

Literally one of the requirements for a job position was to be a “digital native”. I just checked off a job requirement because I just happened to be born at the right time. Incredible.

I’m loving the job descriptions now-a-days. You know, as a digital native, it was pretty hard having to fill out online applications on the computer next to the manager. I had to beg employers to hire me because my sweat would get all over their keyboard. No one wants that.

Now I see postings that start with, “Do you want to work in a place that feels like home, has hilarious coworkers and basically pays you to watch YouTube videos?”. Well, sign me up. I feel like talent acquisition has become the new car salesmen.

I’m tempted to make a social media but for a dog. Not my dog, I don’t even own a dog. I just want to see if it gets any recruiters. Maybe I’ll apply to a couple of places just to see if I get any bites (or barks).

I’ll get back to you on this. But if I do make a dog LinkedIn profile I need a professional name. Maybe Buddy Barker. He’ll need a headshot.

Though I don’t have a dog of my own when Nick and I were looking for a golden retriever puppy we stumbled upon a website where apparently a cult was selling them.

All the photos were hazy and no one’s faces were in them. Just their necks down complete with women in braids and long floral, pastel gowns and the men in overalls.

The main photo is of the owner’s face shoved up against a golden retriever while it’s being forced to smile. It looked like it had a gun to his head.

Maybe I’ll take a few pointers from them and have an equally creative headshot.

Wow, one second I was applying for jobs and now I’m threatening golden retrievers for headshots.

Someone hire me.